2024 Wandering Thoughts & Feelings

Ground Hog Day: Every day is mostly the same when your alone, mostly, the routine mostly, the scenery out the window, the friends, each day the same but with some different, but still mostly the same. The days I don’t remember but the moments in some days forever.

Looking out my window I see dancing butterfly’s twirling in a circular motion upwards until out of sight. Time seemed so slow as they rose out of sight but took only seconds.

The grandeur of the wilderness, so awesome is its scenery belies its silent ferocity.

Here at last my work is done, the path now to walk will come to all but only when their work to is done. The final path that opens then is known to none but all will travel it when their time is done.

Sounds, music, noise, loud or soft sets the tone of a memorable solitary moment.

Solitude, the state of mind and presence caught in a heartbeat lasting but for a moment.

Crushed, overtaken as the moment turns seconds turned longer, how fleeting are the moments of feelings.

Why do some moments flee so fast yet others linger for ever, some grow into passions for life, others for hate or discontent but seldom peace?

In a moment a deed is done not to be undone, late wishes and prayers are to no avail.

What is in the mirrored face I see before the battle and after. How much have I changed now challenged by fame or luck. What lies left when the battle is done when only the shadows of the souls of the dead remain? What is the gain over that which is lost. Hold and be at peace as the breeze passes by. Is it warm or is it cold, is it the essence of the bodies or their souls.

Could this be the near Future?

“China-Russia-Iran-North Korea vs USA” & Is Taiwan the trigger?

In January 2002, George W. Bush called out Iran, Iraq, and North Korea in his State of the Union address, warning that “states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.”

2023: Iran is in the final stages of achieving full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a security forum led by China and Russia.

In the current moment, it is difficult to deny that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, et al are taking actions that run contrary to U.S. interests.

It’s obvious that the first shots of another world war will be fired in space against America’s satellite constellations both information and GPS.

From there, cyber and information warfare techniques will be used to widen the USA’s lack of a cohesiveness and further sow chaos and degrade America’s resistance quotient—before U.S. military forces can even respond to an attack by either Russia or China.

Once U.S. forces deploy, with their technological abilities stunted, they will then have to penetrate intense anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) bubbles where U.S. warplanes and transports will likely suffer high attrition rates if they move in too close.

The United States no longer has the industrial capacity nor the will to surge the construction of weapons and materiel needed to outlast and defeat its rivals in either China or Russia.

It is currently estimated that after about nine months of intense peer conflict, attrition would grind the U.S. armed forces down to something resembling the military of a regional power.” That is unless the United States can embrace a total warfare ethos—as it did in the world wars.

But the end of the USA will be months before with a total loss of Americas electrical grid.

At present China has built a network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and super-electromagnetic pulse weapons (high-altitude electromagnetic pulse, or HEMP) that can melt down our electric grid, fry critical communications, and even takeout the ability of our aircraft carrier groups to respond.

Can you imagine the chaos, especially in America’s bigger cities when they have no electrical power, no heat or air conditioning, no water, sewer, refrigerator, no elevators, no one to call or respond to 911 calls.

When God told Noah to build the ark, he did not wait until the rain began. Similarly, U.S. policymakers have a moral duty to better prepare the country for the coming storm right now.

A lack of planning will ensure the worst possible scenario befalls the United States when a great power war begins.

So as the United States slips into chaos and ignores the global threats that still face us, China moves steadily forward with its plan to become the greatest nation on Earth.

Today’s current USA National Debt: $31,700,000,000,00


So far You (via the politicans you & I elected) have sent $54,000,000,000 to the Ukraine.

In a report published on Feb. 17, USAID said it had so far provided $13 billion in “direct budget support” to the government of Ukraine “GoU’ for short.

“This funding has helped the government of Ukraine y the salaries of 618,000 educators, 517,000 health workers, and 56,500 first responders,” the report says. “It has also helped the GoU to sustain critical healthcare services, meet its pension responsibilities for 9.8 million people, assist 1.3 million internally displaced persons, provide housing assistance to 4.1 million people, and provide social assistance to 240,000 low-income families and 480,000 persons with disabilities.”

( I am not sure if this is the way we want our money spent – I like to help BUT, I do not see this National Dept as a good thing for the younger generation. I have to live with a balanced budget and its sometimes tough but this USA debt is worse than credit card debt and eventually its going to be the ruin of the Good Old US of A!))

AI Is NOT your friend!

With the ability of AI to post news worth items, and is known to slant its views in ways we did not imagine, who now can watch the watchers and define what is the truth?

AI Can lie to you!

Inaccuracies spewed by artificial intelligence chatbots pose dangers threatening areas of American society such as elections and education, warn tech experts from across a wide range of industries.

Dubbed “hallucinations” in the AI world, chatbots like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard can present inaccurate information as fact, something consumers should be cautious of, said experts.

“We should always be wary of chatbot ‘hallucinations’ and biases that may be present in the technology,” James Czerniawski, a senior policy analyst at Americans for Prosperity.

There are many organizations that monitor the web for incorrect posts, including social media platforms themselves, governments, and independent fact-checking organizations. For example, the FBI can monitor public social media postings to detect threats.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) components from ICE to its intelligence arm, the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, also monitor social media — including specific individuals — with the goal of identifying potential threats.

Independent fact-checking organizations such as PolitiFact and FactCheck.org monitor news stories and political statements for accuracy.

Flashback-Biden: If ‘You Leave Those Billions of Dollars of Weapons Behind’ in Iraq, They’ll ‘Be Used Against Your Grandchild’ –


At an August 12, 2007 campaign event in Winterset, Iowa, Biden warned that the billions of dollars of weapons left behind – such as those left behind by the U.S. military’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan this year – would end up being used against America:

“It will take a year to get the American troops out. Do you hear me, now? That’s the truth.

“It will take a year to get them physically out.

“Now, if you leave all the equipment behind, you might be able to do it in seven months.

“Then, you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind you that, I promise you, are going to be used against your grandchild and mine, someday.”

Biden Campaign Event | C-SPAN.org

Bottom Line: Truer Words were never spoken!

Is this Fair or Foul? What say you?

The new mortgage financing rules will make homebuyers with riskier credit ratings and lower down payments qualify for better mortgage rates and discounted fees.

This is according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Sandra Thompson, a Biden appointee. The fee changes will “increase pricing support for purchase borrowers limited by income or by wealth.”

Homebuyers with good credit scores will soon encounter a costly surprise: a new federal rule forcing them to pay higher mortgage rates and fees to subsidize people with riskier credit ratings who are also in the market to buy houses.

The new rule enforced by the Biden administration will make it so that people looking to buy a home with a credit score of 680 or higher will have to pay about $40 per month more than people with worse credit when taking out a home loan of $400,000.

Good or Bad! “Central Bank Digital Currencies” (CBDC)

Central Bank Digital Currencies Are About Control – They Should Be Stopped (forbes.com)

Last week there was an online forum called “US-CBDC” A Disaster in the making. It was hosted by “Sustany Capital’ and they had a productive discussion about the policy aspect of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

After a little bit of research I believe that the Fed should not launch a CBDC. Ever. And I think that Congress should amend the Federal Reserve Act just to be on the safe side.

The problem is that there is no limit to the level of control that the government could (would) exert over people if money is purely electronic and provided directly by the government.

A CBDC would give federal officials full control over the money going into–and coming out of–every single person’s account. In the United States, the final arbiter of what is and what is not measured as money is the Federal Reserve System.

Central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, are government-backed digital currencies issued by a central bank. They’re being rapidly rolled out to bring about a new economic transaction system that could lead to a new form of modern-day monetary control..•

While cryptocurrencies are decentralized and allow anonymous transactions, CBDCs are centralized and can track every transaction. They can also be controlled by the powers that be – meaning all your CBDC assets could be taken away or turned off by a central power, and there’d be nothing you could do about it.

Anyway, interesting reading and thought provoking especially if YOU trust your government to act in a responsible fiduciary manner.

Question? Should airlines require that all babies and infants have their “own” seat in an aircraft buckled in with an approved child carrier seat.

Just read an article about when flying with babies and very small children via commercial airlines.

It said that babies/ small children should only be allowed to fly when in their “own” seat and in a carrier (infant/child carrier seat) as required when in a car.

Yes, that means you must purchase a seat ticket for everyone. If required for children when being transported in a car, they should also be required in an aircraft. Make a decision then read the side note.

Side note: Several years ago in Oklahoma City’s FAA test facility representing the Canadian Aviation Safety Board tests of infants restraint systems for babies on adults’ laps were being tested.

They used mannequins which had the size and weight repartition similar to that of an average infant. They also had a bladder inside the mannequin to measure the internal pressure. The idea at the time was to evaluate the “loop and strap” system that some airlines were already promoting and using as a safety device for infants on parents’ laps. It consisted of a loop around the adult’s seatbelt strap and a belt around the baby with a short strap attaching the loop to the baby’s strap.

After the tests, the anthropomorphologist who designed the mannequins was stunned: he had never seen a bladder made of thick rubber explode inside one of his mannequins! The baby was doomed two ways: the pressure that would destroy the internal organs, and the hull fracture against the bottom of the seat in front of the baby in the adult’s lap.

Furthermore, this adult would also be killed because of his/her body’s belly violently wrapping around the baby’s body. For the adult, the internal pressure wouldn’t be survivable. I believe the tests were done in the late 80’s, early 90’s.

4,155-pages $1.7 TRILLION dollars! Do you believe that those who voted for it actually read it?!

This reference is from December 2022, when the president signed the 4,155-page bill for $1.7 TRILLION dollar government spending bill. It’s very interesting to see what’s included in this bill that YOU and I and OUR kids will be forever paying for.

The spending package provides an “Additional” $45 billion in emergency assistance for Ukraine, and includes $772.5 billion for domestic priorities, $858 billion for defense and 40 billion in disaster relief.

$15 Billion in Pet Projects to cover 7,200 earmarks for projects in lawmakers’ home states and districts. (side note: this is up from 4,962 that totaled $9 billion in the April 2022 spending package). This essentially allows lawmakers to use taxpayer money to fund pet projects without public debate or discussion.(Bribes to vote for passage maybe?)

A paltry $410 million to “remain available” to reimburse Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for “enhanced border security.” With at least $150 million of that must go to Jordan.

Speaking of boarders, $339.6 million goes to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for “non-detention border management requirements,” funds that are prohibited from being used to “acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities” unless they’re for improving processing.

$575 million “should be made available for family planning/reproductive health, including in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.” Also noted was $3.6 million for a project called “Michelle Obama Trail – PATH Trail Project” in Georgia.

As an update!!!

According to the internet not only does “everyone” know about my Iphone cloud storage issues but I am still waiting for the dozen’s of packages that UPS and other delivery places say I have coming.

It simply boggles the mind on how many people must know that my Icloud storage is full and want to help me out. It makes it so hard to know which one to click on. …………NOT!