2024 Wandering Thoughts & Feelings

Ground Hog Day: Every day is mostly the same when your alone, mostly, the routine mostly, the scenery out the window, the friends, each day the same but with some different, but still mostly the same. The days I don’t remember but the moments in some days forever.

Looking out my window I see dancing butterfly’s twirling in a circular motion upwards until out of sight. Time seemed so slow as they rose out of sight but took only seconds.

The grandeur of the wilderness, so awesome is its scenery belies its silent ferocity.

Here at last my work is done, the path now to walk will come to all but only when their work to is done. The final path that opens then is known to none but all will travel it when their time is done.

Sounds, music, noise, loud or soft sets the tone of a memorable solitary moment.

Solitude, the state of mind and presence caught in a heartbeat lasting but for a moment.

Crushed, overtaken as the moment turns seconds turned longer, how fleeting are the moments of feelings.

Why do some moments flee so fast yet others linger for ever, some grow into passions for life, others for hate or discontent but seldom peace?

In a moment a deed is done not to be undone, late wishes and prayers are to no avail.

What is in the mirrored face I see before the battle and after. How much have I changed now challenged by fame or luck. What lies left when the battle is done when only the shadows of the souls of the dead remain? What is the gain over that which is lost. Hold and be at peace as the breeze passes by. Is it warm or is it cold, is it the essence of the bodies or their souls.