It never ceases to boggle my mind that I can have so many keys laying around and not have a clue to what they fit!
Category Archives: Misc:
2019 High School Football Season Begins
Eden Springs Park & Trains
I was wandering about getting things done on a typical Saturday when I drove past a sign saying “train rides today” at the old Eden Springs Park. Since I had been meaning to drop by to see what remained of the old park for years, that sign was the trigger that said today was the day to stop. My not having the gift of gab or oratory expertise,I take stock in the old saying that pictures are worth the provable thousand words so I will let them speak for me.
In 1908, the House of David opened Eden Springs that over the years had a zoo, amphitheater, beer garden, hotel, restaurant, bowling alley, and a mile-long miniature railroad that wound its way around the park, through a corridor of trees, and across two train trestles that span the valley where the amphitheater once stood.
It was closed down in the 70s and became an overgrown patch of woods with crumbling buildings, and though there’s not much more to see now, a lot of progress has been made since the train started running again in 2011.
The land was cleared of brush, one of the depots was renovated and painted, and of course the remaining mini steam engines have been fixed up to run on about a quarter mile of restored track.
In the depo there are binders of photographs that show the park in its heydays and provides you a reference of “What it was” as you tour the grounds.
Eden Springs Engine Shop & House

And here are a few train pictures not normally available to see!

Thirsty Thursday – River Dive
August 22: Thirsty Thursday’s Latest Dive
Todays dive started in the sun and ended in the dark. It was back to Niles, MI and the river along Riverview Park. Big John, Rob K and Mack entered the river down at the Marmont launch and putted upriver to dive near the Broadway Bridge. The current today was not bad at all when within 20 feet or so of shore which was plenty of space for grubbing. Water temp at 74F, visibility before grubbing varied consider ability but was at least 3 feet. Lights were not needed but it was close. everybody got out with at least 1000# remaining. Good Day, Good Dive, Nice Treasures (bottles and creates an impalement hazard.

Nice boat launch area but there is a almost foot drop off at the edge of the concrete ramp that’s makes getting the trailer out a bear especially if you do not have a true 4 wheel drive.
River looks nice but the calm looking surface belies the undercurrent. Great day with lots of sun (even at 5:30 pm) and mild air temperatures.
We anchored close to shore just below Main Street bridge. Makes getting in and out much easier.
Well it was light when were started but diving but it was time to get out about now. At this time of the year we lose minutes of daylight daily..
No major finds today but there were a few keepers. The wallet was a mess and only had two items of plastic within with a name to track down. You are always curious how the wallet (etc) got in the river but often times the owners never want to be contacted.
It is always pretty along the shore on the ride back to the launch point. You always get a few bugs in the face on the trip back as they are attracted by the boats lights and our speeding along in the night. (Thats the AmTrack train headed into the Niles RR Station)
Berrien County Youth Fair
It was a very nice day, meaning no rain and lots of sun, for me to travel over to Berrien Springs to see the August Youth Fair sights. Now the reason I even mention rain is that the last time I went to the fair you needed to have wader’s on or at lease calf high mud boots. This trip, not so much. The flip side of not having mud is that parking was a bear and you doubled your daily step quota just going from the REMOTE parking to the fair ground proper.
As usual I like to look at the horses and riders, take quick tour of the animal’s barns, and the commercial buildings then hit the midway to gawk at the people, ride riders and of course food vendors. I think the food requirements are corn dogs, elephant ears, and something to wash them down with.
Too much to talk about so I’ll use pictures since they are supposed to be worth a thousand words anyway. Here is a quick walking tour thru the grounds and a collection of Faces of the Fair. Remember, the Fair is for Kids, young and old 🙂.

3 Days of “Air Supremacy over Goshen”
July 13 – 3 Days of “Air Supremacy over Goshen”
Last week I went to the Goshen Municipal Airport in Indiana to watch the Freedom Fest Airshow. This week it was hosting 3 Days of Radio Controlled Airshows. This was a RC Aircraft event for Giant scale military and civilian classics where the aircraft at this event are modeled from the full scale equivalent.
Typically, these aircraft have an 80 inch wingspan or larger! They are replicas of military and classic aircraft from the period of 1914 to the present day. The pilots at this event are some of the most talented builders, designers and pilots in the country. The R/C airshow demonstrations featured: WWI, WWII, Jets, Multi-engine aircraft and more!
I will tell you that If you viewed these aircraft from a distance you could not tell they were not the full scale aircraft and the jets are just flat out awesome.
Just before the Fireworks Began
July 3: This year Saint Joseph (Mi) switched their day for fireworks from July 4 to July 3 to reduce crowds and so people who have to work the Friday after Independence Day won’t need to stay up late that night. Here is a picture, lightened up a good bit, so you can see the people gathering and the number of boats anchored offshore of the piers about 20 minutes before the show started. According to the Berrien County Parks Department the estimated crowd size was 5,000 people just before the fireworks show began.

“All Gave Some – Some Gave All “
“Lest We Forget”