You might think the St. Joseph river is a bit dirty today!

Went for a little walk-about today to see what lake Michigan was up too! It was obvious that there would be NO scuba diving today or for quite awhile.
Winters Day Walk About- (1) Around St., (2) In the Air, (3) Niles Power Plant, (4) Niles River diving areas.
Morton House Holiday Open House
Homemade sweets, tea and wassail served – homemade cookie bake sale and the Morton House decorated for the season.
Christmas Mantle setting
This was a nice day for flying and just generally cruising around. Sometimes the pictures I take are of the same general area’s but at different times of the year so one can see the differences, especially when comparing them to pictures from years ago.
As often as I drive thru downtown Benton Harbor going to the Benton Harbor Regional airport I realized that it had been a long time since I had actually walked around the downtown area. So today, being a great blue sky day, meaning lots of sunshine, I decided to walk down town and photograph the streets and buildings. By the time the walkabout was completed I had taken several hundred shots.
Since I am not that good of a photographer it takes me at least 100 shots to get a “good” one, least ways that’s the way it seems. I sorted the pictures into folders labeled Arts District, looking down 5th St., looking down Main St., Round About #1 and Round About #2, and last Territorial St & road.
Between 1970 and 1985 thousands of jobs were lost in the Benton Harbor area due to closing or downsizing of local manufacturing plants. Retail activity downtown evaporated. The Liberty Theater and the Vincent Hotel were closed in 1975. The Fidelity Building, onetime business hub of the city, was closed in 1976. The Orchards Mall, situated on Pipestone Road near I-94, opened in 1979 and delivered a final blow to downtown retail business. Various efforts to revitalize the downtown area are still in progress.
With the exception of the area around the newer Whirlpool Campus and the “Arts” district the majority of down town Benton Harbor is rather deserted and run down. The new Whirlpool Campus on Riverview Drive opened in April of 2012 and was designed to consolidate 15 Whirlpool properties into three centralized campuses. Those being the Administrative Center, Technology Center, and Riverview Campus.
The new three buildings of the Riverview Campus cost 70 millions dollars, contains over 245, 000 sq/ ft on about 12 acres and can house approximately 1,100 employees. Of those 1,100 employees it has been said that a good number of them actually work from home remotely.
Here are a few pictures of main street coming in from St.
Today, as I was driving thru St. Joseph from the Benton Harbor Airport, I decided to see what the lake looked like from the bluffs. Just driving by the bluffs, seeing the tents, the colors, and the crowds of people were enough to peak my interest to stop and look around a bit.
If you live around St. Joseph have not been doing much on the weekends or you are wondering what there is to do take a look at https://www.stjoetoday.com/.
You just might be surprised at the variety of events available and many at little or no cost. And more than likely you will find something that peaks your interest.
St. Joseph Michigan Farmers Market on Lake Bluff Park