December 19, 2020 – Michigan Shipwrecks Story Map

This was sent out to the Michigan Underwater Preserve Council (MUPC) delegates, but it’s worth sharing more widely. Please check out the Michigan Shipwrecks Story Map and share it with friends.


The DNR Marketing people arranged for a shorter URL for access to shipwreck info, including the Story Map.

Use to direct people to
the shipwrecks landing page.

Please share this widely. Send any constructive feedback on the page (data corrections, errors, etc) to me to pass back to our Marketing contacts.

If you notice an included dive-site does not include photos (afloat, sunk) and you happen to have one to share, please pass it along to me. Include the photographer’s name for credit.

We’d like to have photos for every site eventually.
We’d also like to know about any other sites (150-ft depth or shallower) that we could include on this map, especially shallow sites suitable for snorkeling, kayaks, and beginning divers.

We’re trying to entice new people into diving, a step at a time if necessary.

Thanks, Dan Friedhoff
(Straits of Mackinac Shipwreck Preserve & Michigan U/W Preserve Council)