March 11: For the third weekend in a row, I was on the road again, this time traveling to the 18th “Annual Ghost Ships Festival”being held at the Crowne Plaza, Milwaukee Airport Hotel, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The purpose of today’s trip was to complete the last leg of the winter tri-state trifecta of underwater diving events, shows and seminars. The first two being “Our World Underwater” held in Chicago and the 36th “Great Lakes Shipwreck Festival” which was held in Ann Arbor just a little ways from Detroit.
This trip was also another opportunity to show the colors, so to speak, as a “Michigan U/W Dive Club” member, and as a representative of “Scuba Obsessed” which is a scuba podcast where I am known as the “Dive Mentor”.
As a side note ScubaObsesed has been on the air since 2010 and I believe it is currently the longest running Scuba Diving podcast in the nation. You can tune us in on just about any Thursday evening around 9:00 PM on “Talkshoe”(Call ID 73759) or on “WRVO Radio Network 1.” Reno Viola Outdoors (RVO) Radio broadcasts over thirty different shows about the outdoor lifestyle.
Ghost Ships presentations started Friday evening beginning with a feature presentation on the “Edmund Fitzgerald Investigations’ and on Saturday the exhibit hall opened at 8:00 AM with the presentations beginning at 9:00.
Here are a few photos that should give you a feel of what was available at the event.