The fact checkers on FB saw this post as totally incorrect and that the Aztec’s (pictured) never even though about sacrificing their leaders when having epidemics. So now it’s updated. They did agreed that Aztec priests, using razor-sharp obsidian blades, sliced open the chests of sacrificial victims and offered their still-beating hearts to the gods. They then tossed the victims’ lifeless bodies down the steps of the towering Templo Mayor. They believed that human sacrifice nourished the gods. Without it, the sun would cease to rise and the world would end. But with that said, this does not mean they didn’t think about what the meme suggested though the fact checkers can not prove that’s incorrect. So it may NOT truly be representative of their culture, but it is possible maybe they may have had similar thoughts concerning their “leaders”. I suppose, especially the severely cognitive deficient ones