Saint Joseph Michigan – In Ice

I posted this on FB to see what assistance might be available.

It’s a sunny day and maybe a good day to fly so I am heading out to the airport at 1340 hrs. to see if the taxi ways and runways are good to go. BUT I need an extra person along because with the slick pavement and slight rise at the hanger doors I cannot get the plane out or back in by myself. Anyone want to trade some MANUAL labor for flight time? I can give you an hour heads up once I check the door access.

Engine oil heater plugged in, hanger doors de-iced and opened, and pathway to taxi way cleared and salted.










As you can see, I did have a response and was able to get in a little engine time and a few pictures of Saint Joseph in the Snow and Ice.

The Bluffs & shore ice buildup north of Jean Klock Park — Saint Joseph, MI.
Tiscornia & Silver Beach – Winter Wonderland — Off shore of Saint Joseph, MI.









Benton Harbor – Southwest Michigan Regional Airport – Saint Joseph River – Downtown Saint Joseph, MI — Saint Joseph and Benton Harbor, MI.









Marina Island – Saint Joseph River, in Saint Joseph, MI