2019-06-29: Saturday was a blue-sky morning that lasted all day. This was a very good thing as it was the biggest event day of the “July 4X4 Watervliet Independence Celebration & Carnival” that had been going. As part of the celebration there was a “Fly In” & “Steak Fry” at the Watervliet Airport (40C) which I attended.
With all the rain we have been having here in SW Michigan there were no war-birds showing up as the grass field was a bit on the wet mushy side and was only suitable for light aircraft like the Piper Cub or Cessna 150’s. As always “Fly In’s” are great meet and greet events, an opportunity to show off your plane, swap flying tales, and hopefully get some non-flyers interested in aviation.
And afterward, if you wanted to cool off on this hot & muggy day, you could do so at Forrest Beach park. Though Big Paw Paw lake is getting to be very weedy and has rather heavy boat traffic towing water toys on holiday weekend like this, it was still a good day to get in a scuba dive.
Since I anticipated the heavy boat traffic I decided to stay in the shallows and do a bit of metal detecting. Now with that said, the water was warm and I kept my diving to less than 15 feet deep. Since the water in the shallows were warm there was no need to have a wet suit hood or gloves. Having garden gloves or something to protect the hands when grubbing thru the bottom muck is highly recommended though.
Finds for the day did not include any coins or rings but a lot of rusty can’s, nails, and a varied assortment of rusted metal junk including one old fashion plow tip. I was only out about an hour and by the time I finished my dive the park was packed, and the parking lot filled and spilling over.
Its summer people so get out there and enjoy it!