The Daily News -Truth or Fiction

ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, The CW, and separate cable news CNN, MSNBC, and FNC, etc

True or False:

“And now it’s time to go over the carefully selected stories that have been chosen to manipulate your emotions and thinking for a specific agenda.”

Do you believe that “reporters” sift through facts, weigh them up, make editorial judgements about their relative strength and importance, and then present them in a way that illuminates the truth of a matter? Or do their ramblings mimic their prejudices and preconceptions, picking the facts that support their (or the stations managers) opinion and ignoring the ones that do not?

Do you believe that if you are provided with just the known “Facts” it leaves you bewildered and you need reporters to have the facts interpreted for you?

Should we not expect reporters of the news to examine the evidence and reach conclusions based on rigorous and professional judgement’s rather than their opinions or their hunches?

We are assailed on all sides by information presented to us by those with hidden agendas, causes to push and products to sell.

To wade into the ocean of digital information these days is to feel manipulated, pressured and overwhelmed by “facts” that have been twisted and misrepresented to suit someone else’s opinion.

What we need are reporters who are trying to cut through the manipulation and the spin and let the facts do the talking.