It was a very nice day for a walk about so I headed out to see what was happening at our local parks. I began by going to the Lincoln Township Beach and was discouraged by the loss of the boardwalk and gazebos along with the extreme loss of beach area.
From there I went to the North Lake Park (1 of the 3 Grand Mere lakes) I took a few pictures of people fishing and kayaking and spent a hour or so doing a little metal detecting but only found a few pennies and a good bit of trash metal.
From there it was to the Grand Mere Natural Landmark area, specifically the beach access point and what I found is “NO” Beach area at all. Just a path to the water where rocks/ boulders have been deposited to hopefully inhibit further cliff erosion. The pictures tell it all here.
From there to the Grand Mere State Park where I took the left path from the parking lot thru the low lands but the tick warning signs deterred me from staying long on theses’ paths and I went back to the starting point and selected the right side path toward lake Michigan.
It was a bit of a trek and I should have taken a bottle of water and a walking stick. Next time I will be sure to notify my next of kin where I am trekking. Sometimes one forgets that what the mind says you can do isn’t necessarily what the body can follow up on. At least the return hike from the high sandy dunes was down hill. Yep, I was about out of gas by the time I got back to the parking area.
In spite of that, after downing a cold bottle of water and cooling off in the airconditioned car, I did go to one more place and that was down Livingston road, parallel to the D.C. Cook plant property.
I wanted to see how much beach was there and checked out the barriers used to inhibit traffic on the lake side of the nuclear plant. I did wave bye at the security cameras when I left. As a side note, there response time to people on that road “near” their property line is very fast so I would not lotter in that area.
As usual, the pictures tell it all.
1st – Lincoln Township Park

2nd – North Lake Park – Off John Beers Road

3nd. Grand Mere National Natural Landmark

4th Grand Mere State Park

Short cut to the top of the dune – hope to see water soon! Eureka- made it to the top. Now if I can only make it back!

#5 – Not Dr. Livingstone I presume, just the end of Livingston Road (Bridgman)

Beach Scene at end of Livingston road, Bridgman, MI