Mid-March Wandering

Today was a bit on the chilly side, especially in the wind, but there was plenty of sun and some nice cloud formations later in the day.

Started my wandering ways this morning by going to the “Wolf’s Marine” Annual Open House weekend which is their way of welcoming in the boat & dive season. It’s also a chance for prizes, sales on marine items and discount sales on dive equipment.

I go to the annual open house to show the Michigan Underwater Divers club colors, have lunch and talk to fellow divers and just about anyone on boats and diving especially those I have not seen since last year.

Having been under the weather the last few weeks due to lower back surgery I was chomping at the bit to get outdoors. And after leaving the open house I finally got outside to enjoy the sun.

My wandering route today was limited and local and were of places everyone seems to frequent because of the view of the lake and dunes.

I keep my traveling camera handy and take a lot of random pictures of items or things that seem interesting to me. Occasionally, I get one right! Here are a few from today wanderings.

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